Hastening your recovery and strengthening your mobility

We are committed to restoring your mobility and total functioning in the safest, most effective ways possible. Hence, we offer therapeutic services to match your needs. Whether you just had a recent injury, health condition, or medical procedure that limited your capability to function properly and do daily tasks, our licensed therapists will create a goal-oriented treatment plan for your condition to hasten your recovery and help you get back on your feet the soonest.

We offer the following services:

  • Strength Training
  • Cardiovascular Conditioning
  • Gait and Balance Training
  • Manual Therapy
  • Soft Tissue Manipulation
  • Gross Motor Coordination
  • Home Safety Evaluations and Modifications
  • Equipment Assessment, Instruction, and Usage Training
  • Patient and Family Education
  • And More

Get Started!
For inquiries, feel free to send us a message online. Or, you can arrange a meeting with us so we can have a thorough discussion of your needs and concerns.